libPlayingWithFusion 2025.01.04
Playing With Fusion driver library for FRC roboRIO
This is the complete list of members for pwf::TMD37003, including all inherited members.
ConfigureColorSense(double alsIntegrationTime, int alsGain) | pwf::TMD37003 | |
ConfigureProximitySense(double proximitySampleTime, double proximityPulseLength, int numProximityPulses, int proximityGain, int proximityLedCurrent) | pwf::TMD37003 | |
GetAmbientLightLevel() | pwf::TMD37003 | |
GetBlue() | pwf::TMD37003 | |
GetColor() | pwf::TMD37003 | |
GetGreen() | pwf::TMD37003 | |
GetHue() | pwf::TMD37003 | |
GetProximity() | pwf::TMD37003 | |
GetRed() | pwf::TMD37003 | |
GetSaturation() | pwf::TMD37003 | |
SetGain(double r, double g, double b, double c, double gamma) | pwf::TMD37003 | |
TMD37003(frc::I2C::Port i2cPort) | pwf::TMD37003 |